The Intuitive Trading Interface

The Interface
GoldstarTech’s forex trading system is a solid, dependable trading platform that makes it easy to realize your trading vision and build a lucrative business with fast returns. Our features include:
GoldstarTech Products and Services

Trading System
High-speed matching engine connects traders with the liquidity they need, when they need it, day and night.

Cloud Liquidity
Peer-to-peer Forex trading network system, connecting brokers across the world through the cloud.

Trading Platform
Universal cross-platform app, fully integrated desktop and mobile functionality.

Management & Admin Applications
Back office management system with report generator and Liquidity Provider connectivity management.

Routting Engine
Customized routing engine connects with Liquidity Providers through FIX Protocol using customizable hedging parameters

Liquidity Provider Connectivity
Integration with over 20 Liquidity Providers and Electronic Communication Networks with FIX 4.4 and customized connection protocols

FIX Liquidity Bridge
FX server connects to Matching Engine via FIX Protocol. Liquidity Bridge uses Manager API to connect to broker-side server

Data Feeder
Data Feeder updates Matching
Engine price feed in real time and distributes information within the FX server.